Easter Cooking Tips

I am incredibly curmudgeonly when it comes to Christmas. It’s a crap holiday and I hate it. 

I love Easter though. I love the promise, the warmth on the breeze and unlike Christmas, the complete lack of pressure. We always spend Easter with Jo and Niall and their boys. We eat and drink (a lot) and play board games and swim and hang out. It’s always a highlight of our year. 

Easter lunch has to be lamb- a roast leg please. Ideally, if you have one in a Kamado Joe or hanging over a fire… at this time of year you can make a punchy wild garlic salsa verde - with mint too of course… and hasselback potatoes, roast in beef dripping. If you’re lucky you might have the first of the season asparagus but if not spring veg - (leeks are a must) abound. 

Not really a recipe then but a few tips to elevate your Easter lunch: 

Poke lots of holes in your lamb leg and fill each with a sliver of garlic, half an anchovy and a sprig of rosemary. Roast on 200° until it has an internal temp of 60°. Chop up a load of wild garlic and mint leaves with a splash of white wine vinegar and a tbsp of sugar, season with salt and lots of black pepper. Before you boil them put your potatoes between 2 chopsticks and cut down every few millimetres with a sharp knife. Then boil until tender, dry and roast in hot beef dripping until golden and crisp. 


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Feature by the Independent Cookery School Association